Mar 20, 2011

"For you!"

One day, six months ago, while walking down a street somewhere in Brisbane, something perched between the wires of a low fence caught André's eye. When André proceeded to touch the unidentifiable object, it became clear to him that it was a small, square-shaped envelope. In quick handwriting, "For you!" was scratched onto the front of the envelope. And inside, there was a small, square-shaped card. Without hesitation, André opened up the card and read aloud, "I am a Canadian tourist and, I Love Australia!!" He flipped the card over and on the back of it, one is warned to "Never take Australia for granted!!" before being wished a goodday. True story! And now the card is in my possession. Ironic, no? Somehow, I don't feel like a tourist in Australia anymore, at least not all the time... sigh. Perth, here I coooooommmmmmmeeeeee!

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